Intro Demo Reel 2022


An astronaut does an emergency lands in an unknown planet. This is the intro of our 2022 Reel.

Animation, CGI

Intro Demo Reel 2022

CGI, Animation, VFX, Character Design

About the project

As every motion/animation/creative studio we needed a new reel and as part of a campaign for promoting our work and our more recent projects and clients we put together a new reel, but we wanted to add an introduction to it. That is the reason for this project to exist, a small story about a lost astronaut, an hostile planet and an explotion that distracts him from fixing his ship to go explore where it came from, full of curiosity the K-09 Astronaut goes through different landscapes of this planet just to discover the origin of energy on that strange planet far away in the galaxy.

The Challenge

A reel by itself is always a challenge, deciding which projects to show, the edition and of course the music, so when we added an extra layer of complexity, we bounce a bunch of ideas for stories worth to show as an introduction, once we decided to go with the astronaut we decided which scenes through som drawings and then we had the challenge to modeling landscapes, a ship and of course the astronaut. Our real challenge was to put all that effort together and make the story happen, makes sense of it and make it look cool, with a fantasy atmosphere and all the details we wanted for the terrain and the ending, together with the astronaut suit and all this journey in a short amount of time.

Intro Demo Reel 2022

Idea & Concept

An astronaut lands on an unknow planet and while fixing his ship, an explotion occurs that grabs his attention. He leaves what he's doing and full of curiosity goes to explore the territory, just to find the source of energy of such an strange planet.

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Intro Demo Reel 2022

The solution

We wanted our reel to look fresh, as a complete new piece of projects and to show our abilities and the things we like to do here at the studio, we wanted to enjoy building and showing our brand and to have an introduction to it, telling a story about curiosity, exploration and discovery, we basically created a problem that at the same time was the solution.

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Intro Demo Reel 2022

  • 3D Environments:
  • Martin Ramirez
  • Neko
  • Bate
  • 3D Character:
  • Bate

  • Character animator:
  • Alberto Gaona

  • Edition, Sound FX and Rendering:
  • Martin Ramirez
  • Neko

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